Arden’s Wake (Prologue) and Maestro
Arden’s Wake is an animated virtual reality film that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where a young woman and her father live in a lighthouse atop an endless sea. When her father disappears, Meena descends into a domain that previously was forbidden to her.
In developing “Arden’s Wake,” Penrose created Maestro, a social VR creation tool that allows people to collaborate inside a virtual space. With Maestro, people can dive into VR and have direct social interactions, enabling them to create and review their work with unprecedented perspective.
“Inside Maestro, we're once again in Meena's world, this time joined by a huddled crowd of artists and developer avatars. Animator Bruna Berford is holding virtual court, scrubbing back and forth a part of the scene in which Meena walks across the mezzanine in her wooden house. Berford thinks one, maybe two steps don't quite look natural enough and draws a virtual path within the scene to show how she thinks it would feel more natural. Virtual heads nod, and the occasional chunky hand waves a gesture. Meanwhile, I have a very real sensation of standing in someone's virtual way. Even digital worlds still have human problems.”